Painel de Preços
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⏰ Status: Paineldeprecos planejamento gov br- is Down?
From the table below, you can track the service conditions that we have periodically check in relation to the interruptions.
Date | Server Status | Speed |
2025-01-25 14:11:03 | Online | 0.2308 Second |
2025-01-24 20:08:03 | Online | 0.2237 Second |
2025-01-24 02:08:02 | Online | 0.0364 Second |
2025-01-23 08:08:02 | Online | 0.0323 Second |
2025-01-22 14:08:03 | Online | 0.2729 Second |
2025-01-21 20:08:03 | Online | 0.2211 Second |
2025-01-21 02:05:04 | Online | 0.0463 Second |
2025-01-20 08:05:03 | Online | 0.2249 Second |
2025-01-19 14:05:02 | Online | 0.0300 Second |
2025-01-18 20:04:02 | Online | 0.1384 Second |
2025-01-18 02:04:03 | Online | 0.2694 Second |
2025-01-17 08:04:03 | Online | 0.2992 Second |
2025-01-16 14:04:02 | Online | 0.2212 Second |
2025-01-15 20:04:03 | Online | 0.2338 Second |
2025-01-15 02:04:02 | Online | 0.0367 Second |
2025-01-14 08:04:03 | Online | 0.1849 Second |
2024-12-04 17:16:03 | Online | 0.0837 Second |
2024-12-03 23:12:04 | Online | 0.0912 Second |
2024-12-03 05:11:02 | Online | 0.1047 Second |
2024-12-02 09:39:02 | Online | 0.0996 Second |
Known Searchs
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