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Last update: . uchi.ru is a safe website about " . in science_and_education/education category. The server is running at ip address and there is a secure connection certificate between the website and the visitor. When we did a security search, no viruses or spam were detected on web page. have daily 1.5M and monthly 45.3M unique visitors from RU, KZ, BY, UA, MD and worldwide. According to our financial situation analysis, this website earns an estimated daily $7K, weekly $29K and monthly $204K from online advertising. If you want to buy this domain, you need to revise $1336589. Because the value of the website can range from at least $928470 to $1744707. The similar & alternative web sites to uchi.ru.

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⏰ Status: Uchi ru- is Down?

From the table below, you can track the service conditions that we have periodically check in relation to the interruptions.

DateServer StatusSpeed
2024-07-26 10:55:03 Online0.0716 Second
2024-07-25 16:55:03 Online0.0847 Second
2024-07-24 22:47:03 Online0.0870 Second
2024-07-24 04:47:03 Online0.0902 Second
2024-07-23 10:47:08 Online0.0830 Second
2024-07-22 16:47:03 Online0.0861 Second
2024-07-21 22:47:05 Online0.0808 Second
2024-07-21 04:48:12 Online0.0787 Second
2024-07-20 10:48:12 Online0.0159 Second
2024-07-19 16:48:03 Online0.0851 Second
2024-07-18 14:48:04 Online0.0966 Second
2024-07-17 20:48:02 Online0.0813 Second
2024-07-17 02:03:04 Online0.0864 Second
2024-07-16 08:03:03 Online0.0686 Second
2024-07-15 14:03:03 Online0.0868 Second
2024-07-14 19:54:03 Online0.0857 Second
2024-07-14 01:54:04 Online0.1036 Second
2024-07-13 07:54:02 Online0.0818 Second
2024-07-12 02:12:03 Online0.0911 Second
2024-07-11 07:53:04 Online0.0819 Second

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учи ру 1.7M
учи ру вход в личный кабинет 148K
учи.ру 119K
учиру 90K
учи ру вход 61K

☯ Technology Analysis

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☂ Security Analytics

    ✇ DNS Records

    TXT8482 ANY obsoletedSee RFC 8482

    ☰ Http Headers

    server nginx
    date tue, 14 may 2024 23
    access-control-allow-origin *
    cache-control no-cache
    expires tue, 14 may 2024 23
    pragma no-cache
    content-type text/html
    x-sp-crid 563210179

    ⚔ SSL Analytics

    SubjectCN = *.uchi.ru
    IssuerC = BE, O = GlobalSign nv-sa, CN = AlphaSSL CA - SHA256 - G4
    Serial Number1398f2b7d64d2ac1118c7061
    Signature Algorithmsha256WithRSAEncryption
    Public Key AlgorithmrsaEncryption
    Key UsageDigital Signature, Key Encipherment
    Authority Information AccessCA Issuers - URI:http://secure.globalsign.com/cacert/alphasslcasha256g4.crt OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.globalsign.com/alphasslcasha256g4
    Certificate PoliciesPolicy: Policy: CPS: https://www.globalsign.com/repository/
    Basic ConstraintsCA:FALSE
    CRL Distribution PointsFull Name: URI:http://crl.globalsign.com/alphasslcasha256g4.crl
    Subject Alternative NameDNS:*.uchi.ru, DNS:uchi.ru
    Extended Key UsageTLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
    Authority Key Identifier4F:CB:AC:A8:C2:EF:AB:DD:83:6F:6B:BF:CE:98:3D:5C:58:25:76:15
    Subject Key IdentifierE9:20:D3:B6:F8:82:73:7B:4C:DB:A9:DC:FC:52:A7:55:59:17:60:FB
    CT Precertificate SCTsSigned Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 48:B0:E3:6B:DA:A6:47:34:0F:E5:6A:02:FA:9D:30:EB: 1C:52:01:CB:56:DD:2C:81:D9:BB:BF:AB:39:D8:84:73 Timestamp : Jul 11 09:12:02.755 2023 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:20:34:79:E6:4C:51:01:B6:DB:6B:5F:A5:17: 55:28:EA:D0:1A:D7:81:E6:13:62:EF:99:FA:60:DA:62: 4B:84:37:C9:02:21:00:B9:A3:B5:E3:21:D1:7A:67:38: 38:A4:8F:10:26:B0:3F:45:E8:AD:0A:58:DC:27:45:A1: D7:AA:CB:45:34:1F:C1 Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : EE:CD:D0:64:D5:DB:1A:CE:C5:5C:B7:9D:B4:CD:13:A2: 32:87:46:7C:BC:EC:DE:C3:51:48:59:46:71:1F:B5:9B Timestamp : Jul 11 09:12:02.731 2023 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:44:02:20:42:2F:3E:9E:C7:29:D4:90:30:58:51:A3: 7C:05:51:62:94:9A:79:95:D0:30:8B:8A:CD:19:4A:72: A7:A0:10:43:02:20:42:0B:B5:73:4B:57:7C:4C:54:4F: E9:77:42:5B:E6:45:22:0F:7E:66:4E:3B:52:C8:C3:77: DD:FD:9E:BD:EE:6F Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 76:FF:88:3F:0A:B6:FB:95:51:C2:61:CC:F5:87:BA:34: B4:A4:CD:BB:29:DC:68:42:0A:9F:E6:67:4C:5A:3A:74 Timestamp : Jul 11 09:12:02.798 2023 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:20:4B:98:76:0E:D3:BE:98:91:0D:42:02:A0: 18:A3:2A:C2:C0:E1:D1:10:91:03:B0:84:5C:0C:41:E9: 47:A8:17:22:02:21:00:EF:D6:88:41:59:20:39:A7:82: 17:A1:D5:8C:BF:2E:F8:C8:E5:BA:50:93:A9:2C:10:78: 40:3C:8B:88:FB:6C:6E
    Start dateJul 11 09:11:59 2023 GMT
    Expire dateAug 11 09:11:58 2024 GMT
    RSA Public Key4096

    ⚔ Relationship Network Graph

    Here you can see the list of countries, links, IP addresses, domains and cookies that the website connects to or is somehow related to.

    Countries: US - BE - RU - DE
    Domains: uchi.ru - top-fwz1.mail.ru - www.googletagmanager.com - r.mradx.net - configurator-files.uchi.ru - privacy-cs.mail.ru - region1.google-analytics.com - help.uchi.ru - evt.uchi.ru - cdnjs.uchi.ru - fonts.gstatic.com - rs.mail.ru - www.google.de - stats.g.doubleclick.net - region1.analytics.google.com - mc.yandex.ru - static.uchi.ru - cdn.jsdelivr.net - cdnjs.cloudflare.com
    IP Adresses: 2a00:1148:db00::28 - 2a00:1148:db00::17 - 2a00:1148:db00::26 - - 2a00:1450:400c:c1d::9a - 2001:4860:4802:32::36 - - - 2a02:6b8::1:119 - - - - 2a00:1450:4001:813::2008 - - 2a00:1450:4001:806::2003 - 2606:4700::6812:bb1f - -
    Link Outs: math.uchi.ru - football.uchi.ru - www.doma.uchi.ru - code.uchi.ru - tlgg.ru - www.viber.com - lp.uchi.ru - careers.uchi.ru - eng.uchi.ru - olympiads.uchi.ru - edu.uchi.ru - promo.uchi.ru - help.uchi.ru - vk.com - t.me - vb.me - ok.ru - www.youtube.com - rutube.ru - assets.uchi.ru
    Coookies: uchi.ru - spsn - 1715697910741_7b2276657273696f6e223a22332e342e32222c227369676e223a226163633932393637633136613165323336376131636263326239396165386234222c22706c6174666f726d223a2257696e3332222c2262726f7773657273223a5b226368726f6d65225d2c2273636f7265223a302e367d

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