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Last update: . webmail.nelft.nhs.uk is a safe website about "Outlook in health/mental_health category. The server is running at ip address and there is a secure connection certificate between the website and the visitor. When we did a security search, no viruses or spam were detected on web page. The similar & alternative web sites to webmail.nelft.nhs.uk.

O User Reviews webmail.nelft.nhs.uk

Please write your , and overall score.

  • Mike angel@2023-04-25 10:45:00: Your comment should be realistic. Spam, advertising and slang comments are deleted. Personal information should not be added.

⏰ Status: Webmail nelft nhs uk- is Down?

From the table below, you can track the service conditions that we have periodically check in relation to the interruptions.

DateServer StatusSpeed
2024-09-10 04:40:03 Online0.0439 Second
2024-09-09 10:40:03 Online0.0335 Second
2024-09-08 16:40:03 Online0.0449 Second
2024-09-07 22:41:02 Online0.0435 Second
2024-09-07 04:41:02 Online0.0342 Second
2024-09-06 10:40:02 Online0.0334 Second
2024-09-05 16:40:02 Online0.0414 Second
2024-09-04 22:41:02 Online0.0466 Second
2024-09-04 04:41:03 Online0.0366 Second
2024-09-03 10:41:03 Online0.0539 Second
2024-09-02 16:41:02 Online0.0445 Second
2024-09-01 21:04:03 Online0.0486 Second
2024-09-01 03:04:03 Online0.0426 Second
2024-08-31 09:04:03 Online0.0427 Second
2024-08-30 15:04:02 Online0.0421 Second
2024-08-29 21:04:03 Online0.0407 Second
2024-08-29 03:04:03 Online0.0393 Second
2024-08-28 09:04:02 Online0.0425 Second
2024-08-27 15:05:02 Online0.0338 Second
2024-08-26 21:05:03 Online0.0462 Second

Known Searchs


☁ Content Metrics

  1. browser 6%
  2. Outlook 5%
  3. for 5%
  4. your 5%
  5. scripts 3%
  6. cookies 3%
  7. allow 2%
  8. For 2%
  9. information 2%
  10. about 2%
  11. how 2%
  12. the 2%
  13. Help 2%
  14. enable 2%
  15. Web 2%
  16. use 1%
  17. settings 1%
  18. must 1%
  19. run 1%
  20. consult 1%
  21. %

Website raw text content tells search engines what your web page content is about. The word usage rate is very important and the frequency of words used above 4% is perceived as spam.

☯ Technology Analysis

  • Outlook Web App
  • Web Frameworks icon Microsoft ASP.NET
  • Imperva

☂ Security Analytics

    ✇ DNS Records

    NS21600 ns-1074.awsdns-06.org
    NS21600 ns-1683.awsdns-18.co.uk
    NS21600 ns-266.awsdns-33.com
    NS21600 ns-898.awsdns-48.net
    TXT21600 MS=ABE325E98938C4679663FCBE4CD993955B813882
    TXT21600 MS=ms64978601
    TXT21600 globalsign-domain-verification=D92130A66F38E3E57E1893E291A23631
    TXT21600 v=spf1 a mx ip4: include:spf.protection.outlook.com include:_spf.nhs.net a:relay2a-uk.clearswift.net a:relay2a-us.clearswift.net a:autotask.net include:spf-008d9d01.pphosted.com -all
    MX300 mxa-008d9d01.gslb.pphosted.com
    MX300 mxb-008d9d01.gslb.pphosted.com
    SOA900 ns-1074.awsdns-06.org awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com

    ℹ Whois Records

    Error for "nelft.nhs.uk". Nominet is not the registry for this domain name. WHOIS lookup made at 21:17:34 14-May-2024 -- This WHOIS information is provided for free by Nominet UK the central registry Copyright Nominet UK 1996 - 2024.

    ☰ Http Headers

    content-type text/html
    cache-control no-cache, no-store
    content-length 212
    x-iinfo 13-18320405-0 0nnn rt(1715717852370 60) q(0 -1 -1 1) r(0 -1) b10(4,314,0) u18
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    set-cookie incap_ses_1309_2407715=du30bz3kdh8xo2cfnoaqetzgq2yaaaaan+nsjzrjiwucv/v/gheaeq==; path=/; domain=.nelft.nhs.uk

    ⚔ SSL Analytics

    SubjectCN = webmail.nelft.nhs.uk
    IssuerC = US, ST = Arizona, L = Scottsdale, O = "Starfield Technologies, Inc.", OU = http://certs.starfieldtech.com/repository/, CN = Starfield Secure Certificate Authority - G2
    Serial Number02317a8f6369ec
    Signature Algorithmsha256WithRSAEncryption
    Public Key AlgorithmrsaEncryption
    Basic ConstraintsCA:FALSE
    Extended Key UsageTLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
    Key UsageDigital Signature, Key Encipherment
    CRL Distribution PointsFull Name: URI:http://crl.starfieldtech.com/sfig2s1-663.crl
    Certificate PoliciesPolicy: 2.16.840.1.114414. CPS: http://certificates.starfieldtech.com/repository/ Policy:
    Authority Information AccessOCSP - URI:http://ocsp.starfieldtech.com/ CA Issuers - URI:http://certificates.starfieldtech.com/repository/sfig2.crt
    Authority Key Identifier25:45:81:68:50:26:38:3D:3B:2D:2C:BE:CD:6A:D9:B6:3D:B3:66:63
    Subject Alternative NameDNS:legacy.nelft.nhs.uk, DNS:autodiscover.nelft.nhs.uk, DNS:outlook.nelft.nhs.uk, DNS:officeonline.nelft.nhs.uk, DNS:send.nelft.nhs.uk, DNS:webmail.nelft.nhs.uk, DNS:www.webmail.nelft.nhs.uk
    Subject Key Identifier81:19:CF:E4:9E:13:B8:CD:CA:82:8A:30:F0:63:BA:7D:C6:A4:CA:8D
    CT Precertificate SCTsSigned Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 4E:75:A3:27:5C:9A:10:C3:38:5B:6C:D4:DF:3F:52:EB: 1D:F0:E0:8E:1B:8D:69:C0:B1:FA:64:B1:62:9A:39:DF Timestamp : Jan 10 10:17:42.423 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:46:02:21:00:D4:23:97:4E:D5:20:5B:FA:E0:87:BC: 62:55:40:93:4E:7B:1E:B4:D7:6B:9F:FC:30:D0:E9:30: 20:A4:D1:19:1A:02:21:00:F8:44:85:FE:41:DF:17:5A: 4F:6C:A3:57:46:87:1D:E6:C4:45:5E:CC:02:3C:CD:44: E0:6D:F7:FE:7D:56:68:D9 Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 7D:59:1E:12:E1:78:2A:7B:1C:61:67:7C:5E:FD:F8:D0: 87:5C:14:A0:4E:95:9E:B9:03:2F:D9:0E:8C:2E:79:B8 Timestamp : Jan 10 10:17:42.705 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:46:02:21:00:8D:BE:3F:E9:DE:72:FF:57:25:2B:FA: 55:A8:D4:33:EF:E3:BF:CB:8A:4A:60:ED:BC:97:F5:20: FF:87:F5:DF:20:02:21:00:A1:18:C7:B0:B3:15:A6:1D: D0:D0:D2:1B:A1:48:E2:36:E5:4A:92:20:93:80:85:20: 80:90:94:7A:17:EB:C0:58 Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : E6:D2:31:63:40:77:8C:C1:10:41:06:D7:71:B9:CE:C1: D2:40:F6:96:84:86:FB:BA:87:32:1D:FD:1E:37:8E:50 Timestamp : Jan 10 10:17:42.943 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:21:00:C4:3D:24:9E:58:08:8D:06:6A:91:81: 52:C5:35:85:C6:7E:C8:C1:EC:50:50:C1:43:74:E4:07: 51:1D:A0:20:01:02:20:59:4B:17:43:33:6D:53:21:06: F9:E7:22:55:90:F4:09:B2:E0:DB:3E:99:4E:5B:B1:E6: 48:B4:09:B8:69:58:B3
    Start dateJan 10 10:17:41 2024 GMT
    Expire dateFeb 9 12:07:24 2025 GMT
    RSA Public Key2048

    ⚔ Relationship Network Graph

    Here you can see the list of countries, links, IP addresses, domains and cookies that the website connects to or is somehow related to.

    Countries: US
    Domains: webmail.nelft.nhs.uk
    IP Adresses:
    Link Outs:
    Coookies: .nelft.nhs.uk - visid_incap_2407715 - ge5RG2qaT1qjjfqfVP4CBXOOQ2YAAAAAQUIPAAAAAADRYjcYzmkdJkLu7BY/gEHv

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