
Wyborcza.pl - Najświeższe wiadomości od Gazety Wyborczej
Last update: . wyborcza.pl is a safe website about "Wyborcza.pl - Najświeższe wiadomości od Gazety Wyborczej in news_and_media category. The server is running at ip address and there is a secure connection certificate between the website and the visitor. When we did a security search, no viruses or spam were detected on web page. have daily 1.4M and monthly 40.6M unique visitors from PL, DE, FR, NL, GB and worldwide. According to our financial situation analysis, this website earns an estimated daily $6K, weekly $26K and monthly $183K from online advertising. If you want to buy this domain, you need to revise $1197325. Because the value of the website can range from at least $831729 to $1562920. The similar & alternative web sites to wyborcza.pl.
- Daily Visitor
1.4M - Daily Revenue
$6K - Monthly Visitor
40.6M - Monthly Revenue
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⏰ Status: Wyborcza pl- is Down?
From the table below, you can track the service conditions that we have periodically check in relation to the interruptions.
Date | Server Status | Speed |
2025-02-08 10:01:01 | Online | 0.0135 Second |
2025-02-01 17:41:02 | Online | 0.0127 Second |
2025-01-31 23:40:02 | Online | 0.0084 Second |
2025-01-31 05:41:02 | Online | 0.0159 Second |
2025-01-30 11:42:02 | Online | 0.0108 Second |
2025-01-29 17:41:12 | Online | 0.0114 Second |
2025-01-28 23:42:02 | Online | 0.0105 Second |
2025-01-28 05:42:02 | Online | 0.0132 Second |
2025-01-27 11:43:02 | Online | 0.0105 Second |
2025-01-26 17:43:02 | Online | 0.0147 Second |
2025-01-25 23:44:02 | Online | 0.0084 Second |
2025-01-25 05:42:03 | Online | 0.0106 Second |
2025-01-24 11:42:01 | Online | 0.0085 Second |
2025-01-23 17:42:02 | Online | 0.0084 Second |
2025-01-22 23:43:02 | Online | 0.0128 Second |
2025-01-22 05:43:02 | Online | 0.0094 Second |
2025-01-21 11:44:01 | Online | 0.0147 Second |
2025-01-20 17:41:02 | Online | 0.0138 Second |
2025-01-19 23:42:02 | Online | 0.0486 Second |
2025-01-19 05:41:01 | Online | 0.0125 Second |
Known Searchs
gazeta wyborcza 76Kwyborcza 50K
gazeta łódź 18K
peja głucha noc peja 13K
wyborcza.pl 12K
☁ Content Metrics
- lub 1%
- się 1%
- nie 1%
- Wyborcza 1%
- mogą 1%
- treści 1%
- danych 1%
- cookie 0%
- przez 0%
- więcej 0%
- jak 0%
- ten 0%
- cel 0%
- być 0%
- partnerzy 0%
- wykorzystać 0%
- jest 0%
- reklam 0%
- Zaufanych 0%
- Partnerów 0%
- %
Website raw text content tells search engines what your web page content is about. The word usage rate is very important and the frequency of words used above 4% is perceived as spam.
☯ Technology Analysis
- Gemius
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
- OneTrust
- Prebid
☂ Security Analytics
✇ DNS Records
Record | TLL | Value |
SOA | 21600 | hera.gazeta.pl dns.agora.pl |
TXT | 21600 | MS=ms59736159 |
TXT | 21600 | atlassian-domain-verification=5C43SX8V8zlrPKs2QovjpnWySRgiKI4IhxHCXvXWb7/XwNzheJD8V5PwQuMqKK86 |
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MX | 21600 | wyborcza-pl.mail.protection.outlook.com |
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NS | 21600 | hera.gazeta.pl |
NS | 21600 | zeus.gazeta.pl |
ℹ Whois Records
DOMAIN NAME: wyborcza.pl
registrant type: organization
nameservers: hera.gazeta.pl. []
zeus.gazeta.pl. []
created: 1998.02.10 12:00:00
last modified: 2024.02.02 17:20:09
renewal date: 2025.02.09 13:00:00
option created: 2024.01.28 12:30:15
option expiration date: 2027.01.28 12:30:15
dnssec: Unsigned
home.pl S.A.
ul. Zbożowa 4
70-653 Szczecin
WHOIS database responses: https://dns.pl/en/whois
WHOIS displays data with a delay not exceeding 15 minutes in relation to the .pl Registry system
☰ Http Headers
date | tue, 14 may 2024 23 |
server | apache |
referrer-policy | no-referrer-when-downgrade |
vary | user-agent,non-referer,accept-encoding |
content-type | text/html;charset=iso-8859-2 |
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content-encoding | gzip |
strict-transport-security | max-age=0; includesubdomains |
✔ Indexing
#Zastrze�enie prawnoautorskie
#Wersja polska:
#W�a�ciciel niniejszego serwisu internetowego korzystaj�c z uprawnienia, przyznanego przez art. 4 ust. 3 Dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2019/790 z dnia 17 kwietnia 2019 r. w sprawie prawa autorskiego i praw pokrewnych na jednolitym rynku cyfrowym oraz zmiany dyrektyw 96/9/WE i 2001/29/WE (Dz. U. UE. L. z 2019 r. Nr 130, str. 92) nie wyra�a zgody na zwielokrotnianie, wykorzystywanie lub przechowywanie jakichkolwiek tre�ci w postaci tekst�w i danych oraz program�w komputerowych i baz danych dost�pnych w serwisie internetowym, w celu ich eksploracji polegaj�cej na analizie, r�wnie� przy zastosowaniu zautomatyzowanych technik, d���cej do wygenerowania informacji obejmuj�cych w szczeg�lno�ci wzorce, tendencje i korelacje. Powy�sze zastrze�enie nie dotyczy eksploracji tre�ci dokonywanej w celu umieszczania stron internetowych w ramach wynik�w wyszukiwania, jak te� nie ma na celu i nie mo�e by� interpretowane jako wy��czenie lub ograniczenie uprawnie� konsument�w do korzystania z tre�ci w ramach udzielonego zezwolenia lub dozwolonego u�ytku.
#Uzyskaj wi�cej informacji w Zastrze�eniu dot. eksploracji tekst�w i danych pod adresem agora.pl/zastrzezenie-prawne
#Wersja angielska:
#The owner of this website, in exercising of the right granted by Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the digital single market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC (OJ EU. L. 2019 No. 130, p. 92) does not authorize reproduction, use or storage of any content in the form of texts and data, computer programs and databases available on the website for the purpose of exploring them by means of analysis, also using automated techniques, with the aim of generating information, including in particular patterns, trends and correlations. The above disclaimer does not apply to content mining carried out for the purpose of placing websites within search results, nor is it intended to or may be construed as an exclusion or limitation of the rights of consumers to use content within the scope of the granted authorization or permissible use.
#More information can be found in Reservation on text and data mining at agora.pl/en/copyright-reservation
#Koniec zastrze�enia prawnoautorskiego
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# START 2023-10-30
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# END 2023-10-30
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#END 2024-02-20
⚔ SSL Analytics
Subject | C = PL, L = Warszawa, O = Agora SA, CN = *.wyborcza.pl |
Issuer | C = US, O = DigiCert Inc, OU = www.digicert.com, CN = GeoTrust TLS RSA CA G1 |
Version | 2 |
Serial Number | 0bcd18c4e97a6f68c01372e57c5fa4fc |
Signature Algorithm | sha256WithRSAEncryption |
Public Key Algorithm | rsaEncryption |
Authority Key Identifier | 94:4F:D4:5D:8B:E4:A4:E2:A6:80:FE:FD:D8:F9:00:EF:A3:BE:02:57 |
Subject Key Identifier | C2:FD:54:76:5E:17:DD:F5:46:8A:96:AB:92:67:97:AF:A4:63:D4:43 |
Subject Alternative Name | DNS:*.wyborcza.pl, DNS:wyborcza.pl |
Certificate Policies | Policy: CPS: http://www.digicert.com/CPS |
Key Usage | Digital Signature, Key Encipherment |
Extended Key Usage | TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication |
CRL Distribution Points | Full Name: URI:http://cdp.geotrust.com/GeoTrustTLSRSACAG1.crl |
Authority Information Access | OCSP - URI:http://status.geotrust.com CA Issuers - URI:http://cacerts.geotrust.com/GeoTrustTLSRSACAG1.crt |
Basic Constraints | CA:FALSE |
CT Precertificate SCTs | Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 4E:75:A3:27:5C:9A:10:C3:38:5B:6C:D4:DF:3F:52:EB: 1D:F0:E0:8E:1B:8D:69:C0:B1:FA:64:B1:62:9A:39:DF Timestamp : May 6 14:54:05.851 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:44:02:20:68:32:9A:69:FB:3B:4C:9A:79:2A:BF:C9: 5C:24:EF:01:F6:5E:A6:96:E4:91:0F:74:24:3B:B4:FF: 5B:8D:30:7B:02:20:3B:0D:C8:1B:EB:95:72:ED:5B:70: A0:08:96:2A:AC:B5:C3:14:A5:05:E9:B4:FB:C8:FC:97: F1:C2:64:C3:99:8D Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 7D:59:1E:12:E1:78:2A:7B:1C:61:67:7C:5E:FD:F8:D0: 87:5C:14:A0:4E:95:9E:B9:03:2F:D9:0E:8C:2E:79:B8 Timestamp : May 6 14:54:05.898 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:21:00:AC:A4:57:BD:7B:A2:43:1D:8B:6B:85: 56:FE:74:27:6D:3E:E4:44:FF:53:C5:24:34:E7:7A:66: 7E:59:AD:AA:24:02:20:21:64:6B:20:CD:EB:25:A0:53: BA:DE:E0:77:70:1A:DE:4E:EE:80:33:7D:E0:24:50:FC: 35:E1:64:AC:C6:2C:21 Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : E6:D2:31:63:40:77:8C:C1:10:41:06:D7:71:B9:CE:C1: D2:40:F6:96:84:86:FB:BA:87:32:1D:FD:1E:37:8E:50 Timestamp : May 6 14:54:05.913 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:46:02:21:00:88:98:4A:80:AB:66:13:97:56:E7:EB: 95:AF:67:FB:4E:49:8D:A2:57:F2:CC:E8:85:C0:4B:9B: 86:40:B3:3B:F9:02:21:00:EE:EC:77:25:27:B6:A9:C2: 8A:81:56:47:C2:96:89:69:0F:A4:10:D5:6F:4E:8F:D8: F8:79:7F:30:BC:E0:12:C9 |
Start date | May 6 00:00:00 2024 GMT |
Expire date | Apr 12 23:59:59 2025 GMT |
RSA Public Key | 2048 |
rsa(n) |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|
rsa(e) | 10001 |
Signature | 4b:5f:a6:bb:60:ca:f4:71:76:b2:67:48:c5:a0:e4:5d:de:b8:15:64:d5:27:1e:ba:c2:37:8c:1b:58:1d:34:4b:94:09:af:03:76:f6:85:9d:1c:b9:67:20:db:38:fb:ac:d3:a3:2f:9c:af:75:a2:a8:be:f1:41:fe:74:a4:60:11:be:06:7d:39:bd:ea:07:c4:e2:04:4c:04:ba:4f:24:02:00:7c:dc:59:b0:6c:f8:d6:49:11:78:74:49:d4:81:53:58:15:06:80:de:93:12:65:e3:d1:a7:34:51:20:f8:59:f9:de:1a:c1:3f:eb:ac:18:35:21:47:cd:d6:a0:71:2e:e9:a3:f0:bc:de:9c:d7:6c:45:37:46:f9:52:23:3d:d6:ca:5d:a8:85:47:de:2a:58:8b:da:0f:2a:e0:5a:97:1c:54:7a:4a:15:49:43:39:1a:95:e2:5e:da:af:d9:57:bc:d3:bd:b3:3e:11:ff:90:a6:43:4b:f7:12:f2:69:43:a2:06:22:84:f3:d4:82:ee:a0:50:94:ca:a2:e0:9f:50:95:5f:19:dd:f4:6c:bd:92:3d:69:34:41:e6:74:37:7d:8a:0f:58:90:54:c8:74:d9:5f:75:3b:e1:38:3e:ef:35:7d:19:8e:0c:8c:d4:29:fe:17:42:7a:2b:bf:86:6b:b7:86: |