
Портал государственных услуг Российской Федерации
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Last update: . gosuslugi.ru is a safe website about " in law_and_government/government category. The server is running at ip address and there is a secure connection certificate between the website and the visitor. When we did a security search, no viruses or spam were detected on web page. have daily 4.1M and monthly 122.1M unique visitors from RU, UA, US, NL, KZ and worldwide. According to our financial situation analysis, this website earns an estimated daily $18K, weekly $79K and monthly $550K from online advertising. If you want to buy this domain, you need to revise $3599508. Because the value of the website can range from at least $2500421 to $4698594. The similar & alternative web sites to gosuslugi.ru.

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⏰ Status: Gosuslugi ru- is Down?

From the table below, you can track the service conditions that we have periodically check in relation to the interruptions.

DateServer StatusSpeed
2024-09-10 07:56:03 Online0.0125 Second
2024-09-09 13:56:03 Online0.0145 Second
2024-09-08 19:57:04 Online0.0126 Second
2024-09-08 01:57:04 Online0.0125 Second
2024-09-07 07:57:04 Online0.0135 Second
2024-09-06 13:55:03 Online0.0138 Second
2024-09-05 19:55:03 Online0.0135 Second
2024-09-05 01:55:03 Online0.0130 Second
2024-09-04 07:55:03 Online0.0136 Second
2024-09-03 13:55:03 Online0.0117 Second
2024-09-02 19:55:02 Online0.0142 Second
2024-09-02 00:17:03 Online0.0104 Second
2024-09-01 06:17:03 Online0.0119 Second
2024-08-31 12:16:04 Online0.0132 Second
2024-08-30 18:16:04 Online0.0084 Second
2024-08-30 00:15:04 Online0.0135 Second
2024-08-29 06:15:03 Online0.0115 Second
2024-08-28 12:15:03 Online0.0167 Second
2024-08-27 18:15:04 Online0.0177 Second
2024-08-27 00:16:03 Online0.0104 Second

Known Searchs

госуслуги 2.7M
госуслуги личный кабинет 1.7M
госуслуги вход в личный кабинет 209K
gosuslugi 175K
гис жкх 163K

☁ Content Metrics

  1. 2024 4%
  3. Доступ 2%
  4. сервисам 2%
  5. электронного 2%
  6. правительства 2%
  7. время 2%
  8. обработки 2%
  9. запроса 2%
  10. произошла 2%
  11. ошибка 2%
  12. Код 2%
  13. ошибки 2%
  14. 17004931011252834726 2%
  15. address 2%
  16. 217 2%
  17. 246 2%
  18. 176 2%
  19. Время 2%
  20. инцидента 2%
  21. %

Website raw text content tells search engines what your web page content is about. The word usage rate is very important and the frequency of words used above 4% is perceived as spam.

☯ Technology Analysis

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☂ Security Analytics

    ✇ DNS Records

    NS600 ns2.gosuslugi.ru
    NS600 ns4-l2.nic.ru
    NS600 ns8-l2.nic.ru
    NS600 ns1.gosuslugi.ru

    ☰ Http Headers

    server nginx
    date tue, 14 may 2024 23
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    strict-transport-security max-age=16070400

    ✔ Indexing

    Host: https://www.gosuslugi.ru User-agent: SputnikBot Allow: /$ Disallow: *2019_08_09_super_services Disallow: / Disallow: /paygate Disallow: /*/result Disallow: /*/form Disallow: /*root.betaUrl Disallow: /*payment Disallow: /situation/migration Disallow: /superservices/birth Disallow: /superservices/university Disallow: /superservices/moving Disallow: /superservices/loss Disallow: /superservices/bailiffs Disallow: /superservices Disallow: /coronavirus Disallow: /coronavirus/freecatalog Allow: /foreign Allow: /inet Allow: /auto Allow: /1 Allow: /2 Allow: /3 Allow: /4 Allow: /5 Allow: /6 Allow: /7 Allow: /8 Allow: /9 Allow: /structure Allow: /help Allow: /sitemap Allow: /category Allow: /pay Allow: /search$ Allow: /legal-entity Allow: /*landing Allow: /situation Allow: /promo Allow: /entrepreneur Allow: /information Allow: /*/sputnik Allow: /new Allow: /r Disallow: *?search= Allow: /turbo/ Allow: /group/ Disallow: /59453/1 Allow: /life* Allow: /tls Allow: /dom Allow: 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/browser Allow: /subsidies Allow: /pep Allow: /baby Allow: /fsspservices Allow: /armydelay Allow: /ipoteka Allow: /fancard Allow: /find_service Allow: /molodym Allow: /vuzks Allow: /futurecode Allow: /crt Allow: /stroika Allow: /telecomorgs Allow: /itorgs Allow: /donation Allow: /info_molodym Allow: /exam_places Allow: /research Allow: /socialfund Allow: /cybersecurity Allow: /bugbounty Allow: /vkontakte Allow: /ebs_verification Allow: /zhalobavu Allow: /egrn Allow: /landing Allow: /online-egrn Allow: /bitvarobotov Allow: /mom Allow: /invalidam Allow: /zhalobacontract Allow: /mp_dom Allow: /europrotokol Allow: /job Disallow: *?*oid_* Clean-param: utm_campaign&utm_source&utm_term&utm_medium&utm_startpage&utm_orderpage&utm_referer&utm_content Clean-param: q&special&from&serviceTargetExtId&p&id&contacts&layer&filter&services&scroll&uin&referrer&view&organization&region&tab&control&link&pl&categoryCode&rUrl&tid&rid&children&info_4 Sitemap: https://www.gosuslugi.ru/sitemap/all-sitemap.xml

    ⚔ SSL Analytics

    SubjectCN = *.gosuslugi.ru
    IssuerC = BE, O = GlobalSign nv-sa, CN = GlobalSign GCC R3 DV TLS CA 2020
    Serial Number1109c142e3605e9f4a329bc7
    Signature Algorithmsha256WithRSAEncryption
    Public Key AlgorithmrsaEncryption
    Key UsageDigital Signature, Key Encipherment
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    Authority Information AccessCA Issuers - URI:http://secure.globalsign.com/cacert/gsgccr3dvtlsca2020.crt OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.globalsign.com/gsgccr3dvtlsca2020
    Certificate PoliciesPolicy: CPS: https://www.globalsign.com/repository/ Policy:
    CRL Distribution PointsFull Name: URI:http://crl.globalsign.com/gsgccr3dvtlsca2020.crl
    Subject Alternative NameDNS:*.gosuslugi.ru, DNS:gosuslugi.ru
    Extended Key UsageTLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
    Authority Key Identifier0D:98:C0:73:7F:AB:BD:BD:D9:47:4B:49:AD:0A:4A:0C:AC:3E:C7:7C
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    CT Precertificate SCTsSigned Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 48:B0:E3:6B:DA:A6:47:34:0F:E5:6A:02:FA:9D:30:EB: 1C:52:01:CB:56:DD:2C:81:D9:BB:BF:AB:39:D8:84:73 Timestamp : Oct 12 13:37:05.575 2023 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:46:02:21:00:C9:FE:8D:B5:AC:C6:2E:71:DA:84:F7: F1:DB:24:AF:D1:35:DC:8C:88:B1:48:1B:BA:A3:EA:0C: B9:63:48:1C:7C:02:21:00:A9:94:24:1F:85:52:45:D6: D1:0E:A0:09:33:25:ED:45:28:BD:43:6D:76:32:28:D0: A9:B7:7D:88:42:F7:0E:1A Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : EE:CD:D0:64:D5:DB:1A:CE:C5:5C:B7:9D:B4:CD:13:A2: 32:87:46:7C:BC:EC:DE:C3:51:48:59:46:71:1F:B5:9B Timestamp : Oct 12 13:37:05.906 2023 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:21:00:8D:F0:A1:EF:E0:31:6B:20:AD:E9:49: A8:75:D8:4D:3B:37:15:AC:5F:F8:58:0D:F0:3A:19:93: 41:FA:36:C3:0E:02:20:45:37:E3:4B:3D:1C:21:DA:8C: F7:49:81:3F:9C:2C:2B:E3:25:7D:5A:25:6D:7B:81:76: B1:87:5B:F7:81:6D:6C Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : DA:B6:BF:6B:3F:B5:B6:22:9F:9B:C2:BB:5C:6B:E8:70: 91:71:6C:BB:51:84:85:34:BD:A4:3D:30:48:D7:FB:AB Timestamp : Oct 12 13:37:05.229 2023 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:20:1C:E6:53:60:5D:B3:6A:D4:5F:26:9F:CE: 5C:FD:E0:ED:A7:E1:0C:0F:84:4B:62:16:2E:E7:E6:50: 89:02:64:7F:02:21:00:9D:1D:6A:99:BC:09:0B:EE:48: 31:08:DB:CD:D5:AF:93:B2:FF:47:FA:17:7B:E2:BE:E5: D7:F4:98:44:74:3C:A7
    Start dateOct 12 13:37:03 2023 GMT
    Expire dateNov 12 10:41:41 2024 GMT
    RSA Public Key2048

    ⚔ Relationship Network Graph

    Here you can see the list of countries, links, IP addresses, domains and cookies that the website connects to or is somehow related to.

    Countries: RU
    Domains: gu-st.ru - www.gosuslugi.ru - mc.yandex.com - gosuslugi.ru - mc.yandex.ru - bot.gosuslugi.ru
    IP Adresses: - 2a02:6b8::1:119 - -
    Link Outs: lk.gosuslugi.ru - novorossiya.gosuslugi.ru - contract.gosuslugi.ru - volunteers.games2024.ru - pos.gosuslugi.ru - esia.gosuslugi.ru - map.gosuslugi.ru - partners.gosuslugi.ru - t.me - vk.com - ok.ru - rutube.ru
    Coookies: gosuslugi.ru - c_28OBjoluruVH - 78389D3FE31200447938774AD634BBC6

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