공식 온라인 스토어 | LG U+
Last update: . uplus.co.kr is a safe website about " LG U+ in computers_electronics_and_technology/telecommunications category. The server is running at ip address and there is a secure connection certificate between the website and the visitor. When we did a security search, no viruses or spam were detected on web page. have daily 1M and monthly 31.3M unique visitors from KR, US, NL, JP, TH and worldwide. According to our financial situation analysis, this website earns an estimated daily $5K, weekly $20K and monthly $141K from online advertising. If you want to buy this domain, you need to revise $921946. Because the value of the website can range from at least $640435 to $1203456. The similar & alternative web sites to uplus.co.kr.
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Date | Server Status | Speed |
2024-12-04 08:27:02 | Online | 0.3080 Second |
2024-12-03 14:25:02 | Online | 0.3228 Second |
2024-12-02 20:26:02 | Online | 0.2988 Second |
2024-12-02 00:54:01 | Online | 0.3194 Second |
2024-12-01 06:55:02 | Online | 0.3136 Second |
2024-11-30 12:55:02 | Online | 0.3294 Second |
2024-11-29 18:56:03 | Online | 0.3145 Second |
2024-11-29 00:56:04 | Online | 0.3116 Second |
2024-09-10 02:19:02 | Online | 0.3045 Second |
2024-09-09 08:19:02 | Online | 0.0313 Second |
2024-09-08 14:19:02 | Online | 0.3693 Second |
2024-09-07 20:20:03 | Online | 0.3892 Second |
2024-09-07 02:21:02 | Online | 0.0145 Second |
2024-09-06 08:20:02 | Online | 0.3067 Second |
2024-09-05 14:20:02 | Online | 0.3214 Second |
2024-09-04 20:21:03 | Online | 0.3087 Second |
2024-09-04 02:21:02 | Online | 0.3990 Second |
2024-09-03 08:22:02 | Online | 0.0322 Second |
2024-09-02 14:22:02 | Online | 0.4038 Second |
2024-09-01 18:45:03 | Online | 0.0744 Second |
Known Searchs
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유플러스콕 1K
웹팩스 1K
☁ Content Metrics
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☯ Technology Analysis
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☂ Security Analytics
✇ DNS Records
Record | TLL | Value |
SOA | 300 | nis.dacom.co.kr dnsmaster.bora.net |
A | 300 | |
NS | 3600 | ns2.lguplus.com |
NS | 3600 | ns1.lguplus.com |
NS | 3600 | ns3.lguplus.com |
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ℹ Whois Records
query : uplus.co.kr
도메인이름 : uplus.co.kr
등록인 : (주)엘지유플러스
등록인 주소 : 서울특별시 용산구 한강대로 32 엘지유플러스
등록인 우편번호 : 04389
책임자 : (주)엘지유플러스
책임자 전자우편 : j11h22y✉lguplus.co.kr
책임자 전화번호 : 82-2-1644-7000
등록일 : 2004. 03. 01.
최근 정보 변경일 : 2023. 03. 03.
사용 종료일 : 2025. 03. 01.
정보공개여부 : Y
등록대행자 : 메가존(주)(http://HOSTING.KR)
DNSSEC : 미서명
1차 네임서버 정보
호스트이름 : ns1.lguplus.com
2차 네임서버 정보
호스트이름 : ns2.lguplus.com
호스트이름 : ns3.lguplus.com
네임서버 이름이 .kr이 아닌 경우는 IP주소가 보이지 않습니다.
Domain Name : uplus.co.kr
Registrant : LG Uplus
Registrant Address : lguplus Hangang-daero,, Yongsan-gu Seoul
Registrant Zip Code : 04389
Administrative Contact(AC) : LG Uplus
AC E-Mail : j11h22y✉lguplus.co.kr
AC Phone Number : 82-2-1644-7000
Registered Date : 2004. 03. 01.
Last Updated Date : 2023. 03. 03.
Expiration Date : 2025. 03. 01.
Publishes : Y
Authorized Agency : Megazone(http://HOSTING.KR)
DNSSEC : unsigned
Primary Name Server
Host Name : ns1.lguplus.com
Secondary Name Server
Host Name : ns2.lguplus.com
Host Name : ns3.lguplus.com
☰ Http Headers
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✔ Indexing
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# Sitemap files
Sitemap: https://www.lguplus.com/sitemap.xml
⚔ SSL Analytics
Subject | C = KR, ST = Seoul, L = Yongsan-gu, O = LG Uplus Corp., CN = *.lguplus.com |
Issuer | C = US, O = DigiCert Inc, CN = DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 |
Version | 2 |
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Subject Alternative Name | DNS:*.lguplus.com, DNS:lguplus.com |
Certificate Policies | Policy: CPS: http://www.digicert.com/CPS |
Key Usage | Digital Signature, Key Agreement |
Extended Key Usage | TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication |
CRL Distribution Points | Full Name: URI:http://crl3.digicert.com/DigiCertTLSRSASHA2562020CA1-4.crl Full Name: URI:http://crl4.digicert.com/DigiCertTLSRSASHA2562020CA1-4.crl |
Authority Information Access | OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.digicert.com CA Issuers - URI:http://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertTLSRSASHA2562020CA1-1.crt |
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CT Precertificate SCTs | Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : CF:11:56:EE:D5:2E:7C:AF:F3:87:5B:D9:69:2E:9B:E9: 1A:71:67:4A:B0:17:EC:AC:01:D2:5B:77:CE:CC:3B:08 Timestamp : Feb 7 07:24:33.267 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:20:48:26:38:B5:9E:F5:2C:32:9A:46:AE:4A: 0E:26:78:A5:7F:2C:EB:A2:99:18:26:BC:4A:D4:29:20: EE:1E:E1:05:02:21:00:C0:36:5A:1C:CA:7C:40:6B:39: D7:93:10:CF:88:54:FD:07:BF:CD:C8:C7:20:F2:89:62: 54:22:15:CD:CA:97:FA Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 7D:59:1E:12:E1:78:2A:7B:1C:61:67:7C:5E:FD:F8:D0: 87:5C:14:A0:4E:95:9E:B9:03:2F:D9:0E:8C:2E:79:B8 Timestamp : Feb 7 07:24:33.272 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:44:02:20:01:EE:0F:DD:49:A1:64:EF:C8:30:11:D3: 05:92:05:F1:9B:5A:6C:DD:A1:AD:50:08:22:58:1F:F6: 6E:4C:74:99:02:20:3D:92:F8:04:8E:C5:DF:41:7A:14: EE:73:80:35:74:07:87:47:A2:69:49:06:73:5E:6F:64: 2E:93:6B:7C:58:2A Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : E6:D2:31:63:40:77:8C:C1:10:41:06:D7:71:B9:CE:C1: D2:40:F6:96:84:86:FB:BA:87:32:1D:FD:1E:37:8E:50 Timestamp : Feb 7 07:24:33.305 2024 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:44:02:20:6C:EB:55:26:56:29:B9:E2:86:DD:53:B8: BB:94:A5:02:3D:9C:12:B7:A1:F5:FF:3A:C9:D4:85:C4: A3:EC:D5:68:02:20:10:BB:F7:17:B1:48:CA:59:20:0C: E5:3D:2F:A9:84:8E:D2:D0:4C:5A:8C:B5:F5:B8:E2:BB: D5:F8:35:16:EC:DC |
Start date | Feb 7 00:00:00 2024 GMT |
Expire date | Feb 6 23:59:59 2025 GMT |
Signature | 2c:19:d7:8d:d2:ab:6c:ec:d9:24:8c:f4:7e:0a:ef:ff:31:50:84:33:4c:be:62:c6:f0:43:d6:ad:2c:c9:fe:ad:f2:fd:52:79:44:6b:ef:23:ff:34:50:0b:e9:6f:01:7b:33:a9:66:23:ff:ef:31:93:12:96:23:79:f5:64:8a:52:f3:c5:66:78:38:34:21:df:28:6b:fd:fd:a9:da:de:33:8f:26:61:01:65:2b:1b:60:29:c0:9f:9c:3a:04:84:07:c4:65:cb:00:e9:ea:02:9a:49:f8:09:a9:cf:22:95:e7:c9:11:52:96:07:02:bb:1e:2e:9b:d7:48:27:18:ba:60:b2:a2:7e:a7:0a:e0:86:12:bb:8f:04:5c:1f:53:eb:33:e2:19:46:21:ed:93:65:4e:06:9a:6d:1f:8b:3f:65:f5:7c:91:9e:ee:c7:16:13:bb:3b:14:0f:0f:76:dc:fe:83:78:50:72:a2:6c:99:81:13:b9:07:c2:72:76:c3:0b:be:7e:89:27:38:48:83:d7:ba:a9:0a:00:46:f7:df:7e:92:df:09:40:ce:d3:83:fe:52:99:28:c1:90:63:ec:e1:7c:98:59:27:0c:4d:21:db:fb:c7:f0:cc:62:4b:69:25:04:2b:8b:7c:84:94:d3:bc:fa:b9:28:b9:40:cb:5e:6f:6c: |