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What is my Time Zone?

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What are Time Zones?

The world is divided into 24 time zones, each arranged in a 15-degree longitude. The Greenwich meridian passes through the middle of the '0' / Zero zone, (and) this is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or this is called the Co-ordinated Universal Time (li) Universal Time in UTC. From this point, these regions are numbered from +1 to +12 to the east and from -1 to -12 to the west. The line between +12 and -12 is the International Date Line. Some countries do not strictly follow this recommended system and they have their own time zone (s) (for example - India +5 hours 30 minutes, Nepal's 5 hours 45 minutes). Many countries use the daylight saving time to begin with spring.

Each ship has its own local time. This is usually the same as the time of the country in which the ship is located, but when the ship sails between ports with different time zones, the Captain decides on the local time at that moment. Cordless telephone operators must be accustomed to Co-ordinated Universal Time (Coordinated (li) Universal Time-UTC), previously known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). (Wireless telephone operators) In many cases, even if they prefer to use UTC in local communication, they can shorten UTC to Z and say, for example, 'FOUR FOUR ZERO ZERO' for 1446 UTC.

Only local time must be used for local broadcasts of a specific location and must follow it precisely with "local time" in the issuance of each time group / block. For example, 1:36 p.m. (afternoon / af). To say local time, 1346, "ONE THREE FOUR SIX: local time" should be used.

The measurement of time is based on the most natural and orderly event, on the day and night change periods resulting from the rotation of the world. The total time generated by these two consecutive periods is fixed. Only the length of the day and night changes. Another constant is lunchtime.

Lunchtime is the moment when the Sun is at its highest point. As the world is round, lunch is at different times in different regions. This brought up the concept of local time. People measure time using many units, many of which depend on "lunch", which is a natural phenomenon. It doesn't matter what local time is, as long as you are in the same place.

As soon as the need to communicate with distant places emerges, you will understand the necessity of the concept of general time. In modern times, many parts of the world are in communication with other places, and therefore a global standard for measuring time has been defined. This time is called universal time (UT or UTC - universal time is officially referred to as Greenwich Mean Time, GMT because it is set according to the local time of Greenwich region in England). When people with different local times need to communicate with each other, it turns the time into universal time, thus revealing what and when to do it.

Each local time is called the time zone. While geographical conditions allow to use the same time period in places where there is noon, policies make it difficult. For many reasons, many countries use summer time. This means that they take their own hours forward and pull back when winter comes to get more natural light while working. Other countries do not. Those who do this cannot agree on when clocks should be changed and change the rules every year. This makes the time zones change very insignificant.

Time zones are best named by location, or by telling the difference from universal time. It has local time names and three-letter abbreviations in the USA and some other countries. Abbreviations are not unique and should not be used without specifying the country's name. Speaking of the best is Helsinki, saying Eastern Europe. Because not all Eastern European countries use the same rules.

Linux has a time zones package, thanks to which it knows all the available time zones and can be easily updated if necessary. All system administrators have to choose the appropriate time zone. In addition, users can set their own time settings, which will be especially suitable for people who work on a single computer over the Internet but live in different countries. Be sure to update at least this part of the Linux system when the summer time rules used in your time zone change. Apart from setting and updating the system time zone, very few situations occur that require you to worry about time.
